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Boherquill Ramblers 2024 Walking Festival

The Ramblers 2024 Walking Festival ran from Friday 10 May to Sunday 12 May. The weather was beautiful on Friday evening for a walk around the magnificent gardens of Tullynally Castle near Castlepollard. Afterwards, tea and scones in the Castle Tea Shop were accompanied by music from Stephen Keary on keyboard. The Westmeath County Fleadh in Ballynacargy on Saturday was an excuse for an unofficial walk to the Hill of Laragh and back followed by music and relaxation near the gig-rig. 

Sunday’s 24km walk started at Boherquill then crossed some Coillte land and Coolnagun Bog to reach the road from Coole to Multyfarnham. An old green road took the walkers on to Coolure Harbour, the lunch stop. After lunch the route passed through Coolure Demesne and the grounds of Tullynally Castle before reaching Castlepollard and then on by minor roads to the end of the walk in Fore. Dinner in the Castle Varagh Hotel in Castlepollard was a fitting end to the weekend for some members. Many thanks to all the Club members who worked hard before and during the Festival to make it such a success. Thanks also to Jane O’Reilly of Fore Coffee Shop for the refreshments before and after Sunday’s walk, to Tullynally Castle Tea Shop and Stephen Keary on Friday night and to the Castle Varagh Hotel on Sunday evening. Thank you to Shane Salmon of Salmon’s coaches in Castlepollard who provided the bus on Sunday. Many thanks to Tullynally Castle and Coolure Demesne for permission to pass through their property. The assistance of John Connolly of Coillte and Damien McHugh of Bord na Mona was appreciated when planning the route.  Thanks to Raymond Quinn also for permission to cross property.  

Remembering Brian Nerney.


On Sunday 25 February 2024 a bench in memory of the club’s co-founder and President Brian Nerney was unveiled at Streete Parish Park by the Club’s other co-founder, his wife Alice, on behalf of members. The Ramblers, the Nerney family and some local residents heard appreciations of Brian’s sterling work for the Club and the Parish from Chairperson Eileen Moreton and two beautifully appropriate poems were read by members. Alice herself spoke briefly of the 43 wonderful years of their marriage and Brian’s commitment to the Ramblers and the community. 

The Plaque on Brian’s Bench. 25.02.24.

  Alice and  Family at the unveiling of Brian’s Bench. 25.02.24.

Alice on Brian’s Bench. 25.02.24.

Brian’s Bench. 25.02.24.


Brian Nerney RIP

Boherquill Ramblers were deeply saddened by the death of their Club President and Founder, Brian Nerney, on the 25th of October 2023. 

Since Brian founded the club in 2000, he has been at the helm, initially guiding a small local group of walkers, which has greatly expanded over the years. Weekly walks extended to include weekends away and Annual International Walking Festivals. 

In recent years, Brian stepped back as Chair of the club, but continued as President and remained as ever interested and involved. Thanks to the inclusive leadership of Brian and Alice, the Ramblers have explored all over Ireland and made trips abroad to Wales and Holland. Because of the welcome and enthusiasm,  and Brian’s organisational and communication skills, and indeed his bus driving skills, trips were always organised with good humour and minimal fuss. The annual trips to Strangford in County Down were particularly memorable. Brian’s energy was infectious, and his capacity for connecting people means that countless lasting friendships have been formed within and beyond the club. His get-up-and-go spirit and guidance leave a permanent legacy to all who have been lucky enough to have known him.

Alice, Tony, Niall and the Nerney and Dawson families are sent heartfelt condolences and remain in our thoughts and prayers. May Brian Rest in Peace.